Self Management Skills

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    When Your are Feeling Stress

    Remember to ask yourself, “What can I do about it?” By asking this question you can begin to put your arms around that specific stress and begin to take action steps.

    Here is a “Rethink”- When something is stressing you consider the following 4 alternatives:

    Avoid – Some stresses just need to be avoided. If I know I can take a less stressful route then I will take it.

    Alter – Altering a situation often involves you changing your environment or your communication.

    Adapt – Change your perspective – look at it differently from a new perspective.

    Accept – Some sources of stress are unavoidable. Acceptance may be difficult, but in the long run, it’s easier than railing against a situation you can’t change.

    For more information regarding taking action about your stress, visit the Rethinking Stress section of the Training Library and open the “How I Will Engage and Change” presentation.

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