Thankfulness is a Stress Reducer

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    Thankfulness and Appreciation are among the keys to greater emotional stability……and a lot less unnecessary stress. Often, we find ourselves struggling over what we don’t have, what didn’t go well, or what we didn’t accomplish.  This can over-shadow the good things that we’ve achieved or taken for granted, especially when under pressure of meeting goals or deadlines.

    Here are some Take Time tips for reducing stress:

    1. As you close each day, try thinking about what DID happen right and went well.
    2. Keep in perspective the things that didn’t go well – even if there were problems, and remember how fortunate you are compared to those in less fortunate settings.
    3. Learn from the past, but realize that you can’t change the past.  Start every day fresh with a clean mind. This is another way of gaining perspective in the midst of things that bother us too much.

    For more tips and ideas go to the “Habits Scale and Competencies” document in the Training Library at

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